“When We Tell” by Loa Niumeitolu featured on BBC Radio Scotland


"Really proud to have a poem of mine represent my homeland, Tonga, at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland. Always in wonder about these games growing up but I’m not an athlete, so I’m humbled to participate as a poet. Big thanks to my friend Andrea Eimke in Atiu who helped me record, Jean Melesaine who took time out of her busy schedule to take my photo, and my sisters Fuifuilupe Niumeitolu and Amelia Leafaitulagi Niumeitolu, who encouraged me to post this on fb. Many thanks to Nick Balneaves of BBC. and a Big Shout Out to Tongan poets!" Loa Miumeitolu  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p022wt52

Tonga: Loa Niumeitolu



I know English was brought 
by White people to our country. 
But when WE speak it, 
when we slur that language like sinews 
of vine floss extracting our teeth, 
grind it with coral and ironwood in our mouths, 
When WE tell of the gritty taste 
we’ve got to have a Tongan way 
of doing it.
